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Mindfulness & Coaching

Hello and Welcome!

I'm Patricia, and my passion combines science with mindfulness, meditation, and coaching to help others to awaken the inner freedom of accepting and loving themselves just as they are. 


​​I focus on teaching and supporting people in applying mindfulness and other practices such as compassion & gratitude to their personal experiences so that they can live a happier, more balanced, and meaningful life.


What I teach has been helping me personally for several years, in expanding my self-love and kindness while finding a path to an internal place in my heart where I feel self-acceptance, freedom, and at peace. My purpose is to share what I've learned and support others in their personal growth.


Read more about my personal story...


Community is important to me, so if you'd like to work together, please get in touch!




Upcoming Courses & Events

Image by Conscious Design

Metta: A LovingKindness Journey
         8 October 2022, 10:00-17:00 CET
        Online - Zoom

Mindfulness & Meditation Online Courses

Image by Boshra Shams

Seeds of Mindfulness
Mindfulness with Kindness

This Intensive Course of 7 Weeks, 7 Sessions and a half-day Retreat is suitable for beginners or as refresh review for experienced practitioners in mindfulness & meditation.

This program invites you to a deep self-discovery and growth through the Fundamentals of Mindfulness & Heart Practices such as Compassion and Gratitude.

We will cover what mindfulness is, its benefits, a variety of mindfulness meditations combined with kindness practices, and how to implement it into your life to improve your mental health by understanding your thoughts pattern or your emotional health by giving space, self-acceptance, and compassion to yourself. 

Mindfulness stones

Mindfulness for Beginners

This is 4-Weeks Course is for you if: you're looking for a easy entry point to start learning the Fundamentals of Mindfulness without investing so much time.

A variety of mindfulness meditations will support you exploring the basic concepts of mindfulness, while inviting for a personal discovery journey with self-acceptance.

Here You can learn what mindfulness is and how to deepen your focus, while being more aware of:

-your body and breathing sensations, -thought patterns and their influence in your mental health,

-emotions and their influence on your daily behavior,

-how to implement Mindfulness into your daily life to improve your health and well-being.

More Offerings!

Daylong Courses & Retreats

In-depth Daylong Exploration of Mindfulness Themes

The invitation to explore with an in-depth and comprehensive way several themes around Mindfulness & Heart practices as LovingKindness or Compassion is open!

With a small group of participants we can enjoy the day for ourselves, while  embarking in a personal journey to discover more about our inner landscape.

The day will be filled with meditation practices, mindful movement, learning moments and reflections. The personal sharing in the group can give so much value to the individual experience.

Yoga at Home

Private Mindfulness Meditations & Coaching

Personal Offerings adapted to Your Needs

Herein are several options available! If You're looking for:

-How to apply Mindfulness to your daily life, as a meditation and as a resource in life's ups and downs. How Mindful Living can support emotional challenges or your mental health.

-How to start a meditation practice adapted to your needs and daily life. 

-Learning Mindfulness & Heart practices at your own pace with my personal support along the way. Take my hand, and we will embrace your needs while celebrating your own path!


Your Wise Heart

4-Weeks 4 Heart Practices Basics

This is for You if: You have some experience with mindfulness or meditation and want to expand your internal transformation and mindfulness meditation practice in a more profound way.

Here you learn how to embrace the Wisdom of Your Heart by cultivating:

-Lovingkindness towards Yourself & Others and its influence in the sense of connection between you and others.

-Compassion for Yourself & Others when a challenging situation occurs.

-How offering Kindness and understanding to ourselves can reduce our inner critic and personal shame.

-Happiness & Gratitude in your daily life.


Patricia Kromer Mindfulness Coaching Mountains Green and a Lake in Switzerland
"The Seeds of Mindfulness Course has brought me so many resources and skills, especially the ones to overcome anxiety in a mindful way. What surprised me the most was, how easy were the processes Patricia gave me. Processes of dialogue, of full attention, meditation and growth on which we seeded a bit of mindfulness in ourselves. All these steps were fully rich in compassion and love. The result was incredibly immediate and Patricia's meditations are extremely relaxing! Patricia's knowledge is immense, she is very scientific and precise about everything, which it is very important for me. I really appreciate the opportunity I had to follow her course and I will continue, that's for sure! Thank you Patricia :)"
Maria João Canada


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What guides me daily is the desire to support every person I can to find their own internal healthy balance while accepting & loving to be who they are.

You are unique.
You are special.
Your contribution to this World and Others is meaningful
in unexpected ways.

"Out beyond ideas of rightdoing and wrongdoing, there is a field. I will meet you there."
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