About me
Mindfulness & Coaching
During a personal phase where I felt lost and mentally, physically, and emotionally exhausted, my wish was to find something to help me find serenity and peace while giving me inner balance. I tried Mindfulness.
The practice of Mindfulness was the start of a new journey where I was able to start taking care of myself and freely "breathe." I'd been so driven by what I thought other people needed from me or what I 'should' do that I didn't really respect my personal needs. I didn't know what I wanted to do for myself and my life. I just knew I was completely out of balance in many aspects of life.
With Mindfulness, I can now see new perspectives more easily, making my choices clearer and more aligned with my values. I have more patience and feel a deeper connection with myself and others. It has helped me so much as a mother and in my relationship with others.
Now, I know much more about how to listen to my body and heart, so I catch early cues for what I need. The most influential personal factor of Mindfulness was the growth of my self-love and understanding.
Learning how to use Mindfulness helped me to manage my challenges and struggles. Identifying my thought pattern has helped me to take care of and manage my mental health.
This meditation practice and way of living have given me gratefulness for what I already have, witnessing that difficulties can exist simultaneously with joyful moments. It has helped me to uncover what was holding me back so I can experience life with joy, curiosity, and ease.
My mission is to be with you as you are in life's challenges and happy moments, helping you develop more self-awareness and self-compassion while empowering you to make your own choices to create a meaningful life. And I absolutely enjoy and appreciate being able to support and guide others in their own journey of self-discovery and love.
With Care,
Patricia K.


I love to be in Nature, hiking or riding a bike, and Yoga gives me a direct connection to myself. I have sparkling eyes after going to the beach and observing the sea on a sunny or rainy day. I love to cook with my husband or/and my two sons while making the kitchen our dancefloor! Family and friends are essential pieces in the puzzle of my life, as well as a good laugh.
I am passionate about personal development that evolves into personal growth, and I have a special place for Mindfulness in my heart. I am described by others as open, compassionate, caring, calm, intuitive, positive, authentic, non-judgmental, empathic, a good listener, and a trustworthy companion.
My core values are Mindfulness, Connection, Freedom, Fun, Family, Love, Compassion, Tolerance, Authenticity, Acceptance, Choice, and Learning. I strive to live my life in alignment with them.
And as you can see throughout my website, my favorite color is bright blue!
How my previous professional life as a chemist influence my present life
I hold a degree in Technological Chemistry (FCUL), and a Ph.D. in Chemistry made in two institutions: ITQB, Portugal, and Kantonsspital Basel (Hospital of the Canton of Basel), Switzerland. I worked for several years as a researcher in 7 different institutions between Portugal and Switzerland. My Ph.D. and career in chemistry were dedicated to Cancer research. This research area challenged me in several ways, as I had to learn to develop skills in different directions, scientifically and as a person. I worked on teams where human diversity, coming from different backgrounds, cultures, languages, and personalities, energized my natural curiosity about human nature and what moves and connects us all. In Kantonspital Basel, I had occasions in closer contact with cancer patients. That was the toughest "professional experience" that I ever had. I had to deal directly with the questions and the hard reality of several special persons who expected our team's effort to give them hope for a better life. My sense of mission turned much stronger. I wanted to help. I learned to listen more deeply. I learned to smile with understanding and compassion. I learned that we want all to be happy.
Professional and Life Qualifications
As Mindfulness Teacher in training with Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield in the Mindfulness Meditation Teaching Certified Program given by The Awareness Training Institute and by the Greater Good Science Center of the University of California - ends February 2023.
In training in the Professional Course in Positive Neuroplasticity with Rick Hanson, PhD
The Positive Neuroplasticity Training with Rick Hanson, PhD
Co-Active Coach through Co-Active Training Institute.
Neuro Somatic Mindfulness - Foundation Course, Heart Mind Institute.
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Course, Ser Integral.
Experience working in a multi-personal team.
Researcher in several international research Institutions in Switzerland and Portugal.
Ph.D. in Chemistry, Cancer Research.
Degree in Technological Chemistry.
Life-long learner.
Life experience as an immigrant, spouse, mother, provider, friend, family member, and what else life brings!