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Image by Markus Winkler

Scientific Research Articles

Here are some general scientific papers about mindfulness and meditation, with evidence or indications that these two practices and their training can offer benefits.

Click on the underlined text to access the full articles or their abstracts.


Benefits of Mindfulness & Meditation

Improves concentration:

       (Michael D. Mrazek et al. 2012) (Michael D. Mrazek et al. 2013)


Increases empathy and self-awareness


Improves Well-Being


Improves Immune Response


Slows cell aging


Reduces Symptoms of Stress, Anxiety, and Depression


Improves Emotional Regulation / Decreased Emotional Reactivity

  • Slowing down the activation of the tonsil, which is responsible for the "alarm tone" in the brain.

      (Stein et al. 2008)

  • Reducing tonsil activation to negative stimulations in experienced mindfulness meditators has improved the link between the tonsil and the brain region involved in emotional regulation for novice meditators. Reduced emotional reactivity. (Kral et al. 2018) (Desbordes G et al. 2012)


Rumination Reduction


Improves sleep quality

  • Participants with breast cancer from a mindfulness course and who reported a higher practice of mindfulness significantly improved the quality of sleep associated with a decrease in stress. (Shapiro et al. 2003).

  • Review of the effect of meditation as a phenomenon of sleep regulation. (Nagendra et al, 2012)


For more detailed scientific information on the neuroscience of meditation and mindfulness and its subsequent effects on the body and human health:

  • Altered Traits: Science Reveals How Meditation Modifies Mind, Brain, and Body, by Dr. Richard Davidson and Dr. Daniel Goleman (New York: Avery, 2017)

  • Brandmeyer T, Delorme A, Wahbeh H. (2019) The neuroscience of meditation: classification, phenomenology, correlates, and mechanisms. Prog Brain Res. 244, 1.

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